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International standardization of the food industry

Writer's picture: Valentina BosenkoValentina Bosenko

The food industry began to develop actively long before it entered the understanding of humans as a business category, since any activity related to human nutrition is directly responsible for the safety of the operation of the processes involved with health. Therefore, safety issues in this industry must be regulated very clearly, today with the accelerated development of technologies, which are also created to improve processes in the food industry, a large number of international standards are required. It is about the use of a large number of devices, it includes the regulation of safety aspects in all processes from the test phase to the product release phase. If your area of ​​activity comes into direct or indirect contact with the food industry, we urgently recommend that you have the following documents ready.

Food Determination of ergot alkaloids in cereals and cereal products by purification of dSPE and HPLCMS / MS

EN 17425: 2021

The presence of certain elements in a certain food has a direct effect on human health, which is why when using different Products must be ensured that their components cannot harm people.To regulate this question, international standards such as EN 17425: 2021 are created chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectrometry (LC MS / MS) after purification by dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE).

The method was tested in a range from 13.2 µg / kg to 168 µg / kg for the sum of the twelve ergot alkaloids in rye flour, rye bread and cereals (breakfast cereals, baby breakfast cereals and crispbread) that contain rye. as an ingredient, as well as whole wheat flour and a mixture of barley and rye flour.

Method performance was satisfactory in the range of 24.1 μg / kg to 168 μg / kg, however, at lower concentrations, RSDR values ​​were greater than 44% and HorRat values ​​were greater than 2.0, suggesting the Method may not be completely sufficient at concentrations below 24 µg / kg for the sum of ergot alkaloids, although it is suitable for screening at these concentrations.

Since grain is used everywhere and is particularly popular with children, the production processes are expanded and the range of these products increased. We recommend that you have international standards that govern this activity.

Milk Quantitative determination of the microbiological quality Instructions for determining and checking a conversion relationship between the results of an alternative method and the results of the anchoring method (ISO 21187: 2021)

EN ISO 21187: 2021

Consideration of international standards from a food law perspective is also possible to take into account that these are on a narrower profile level or possible and also have the highest quality. This results in documents such as EN ISO 21187: 2021.

This document provides guidelines for establishing a transformation relationship between results.

Alternative method and binding method and their validation for quantification

Microbiological quality of milk.

NOTE: A gear ratio can be used to

a) convert the results of an alternate method into a link.


b) Conversion of results / limit values ​​on an anchor basis into results in the sense of an alternative method.

This International Standard applies to a specific sub-category of the food industry, so we recommend that you clearly review all legal regulatory requirements of the industry in which your organization operates with the notes and technical parameters of a particular standard.

Feed: Sampling and analysis methods Determination of the radionuclides iodine131, cesium134 and cesium137 in feed

EN 17462: 2021

In the food sector, an international standardization is created not only for food that is produced for humans, but also for feed direct influence on the quality of later meat and dairy products. One of the international standards regulating this topic is EN 17462: 2021.

This document describes a method for determining the massive activity (Bq / kg) of 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs in animal feed in surveillance laboratories.

Provides general instructions for preparing raw material samples and measuring the three radionuclides 131I, 134Cs, and 137Cs with high resolution gamma spectrometry. This document is intended to supplement existing standards. For more information, see sample preparation, moisture determination, and gamma spectrometry. can be found in the specific standards referred to in this document.The detection limit (LOD) is 0.05 µg / kg for powdered milk and 0.005 µg / kg for liquid milk.

The limit of quantification (LOQ) is 0.1 µg / kg for powdered milk and 0.01 µg / kg for liquid milk. The procedure is also applicable to skimmed milk, skimmed milk, skimmed milk powder and skimmed milk powder.

This International Standard specifies clearly signed frames for the content of certain elements and thus guarantees the quality of the products of the organizations certified by this document if you want the quality of the product you create to recommend world market conditions and requirements we to have this international document available.

Sensory analysis methodology triangular test (ISO 4120: 2021)

EN ISO 4120: 2021

As already mentioned, every industry is subject to international standards, both from the first stage of the test methods and throughout the cycle through to the final introduction of a product or a Service. Methodologically, their training can also be subject to international standardization in order to unify the overall system. An example of international standards for test methodology and procedures is EN ISO 4120: 2021.

This document specifies a method for determining whether there is a perceptible sensory difference or similarity between samples of two products. The method is a forced choice procedure. Method is applicable when there is a difference in a single sensory characteristic or in several characteristics. The method is statistically more efficient than the Duotrium test (described in ISO 10399), but has limited applicability for products with high carryover and / or persistent flavors .

The method can also be used if the nature of the difference is unknown [ie, it does not determine the size or direction of the difference between samples, nor is there any indication of the attribute or the attributes responsible for the difference]. The process is only applicable if the products are homogeneous.

The broad categories associated with the food industry can be confusing when choosing a particular international standard. However, you can always turn to the specialists in the field of international standardization selection and acquire exactly the document that will be your starting point for productive development. Of your company on a global scale.

International cooperation in the field of food regulations

The development cycle of an organization or a company is divided into certain phases.But in any case in the first stage all activities are carried out on site, but in the 21st century the scaling of every production is much faster because technologies do not stop, the interaction of people from different countries and parts of the world is becoming more and more easy today and the only major problem is the conformity of the products in the exporter's country. the rules and regulations of the importing country to simplify these processes and make world trade increasingly accessible, international standards are being created that not only make it possible to unite existing norms and rules, but also help small and medium-sized enterprises significantly as well as structuring corporate processes. If you are interested in developing and devoting your company to the food products, we recommend the international standards associated with this industry because the quality of the products sold is the key to popularity and profitability.


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