Railway technologies began to actively develop in use in the last century. Nevertheless, technical progress does not stand still, and as a result, a lot of new branches, technical parameters, and features of the application of one or another technology appear. Since the use of various materials and tests, methods are used both in the global understanding of this industry and for its individual parts, and all these processes are carried out simultaneously in different parts of the world, international standards are created to create a single, well-functioning, well-established system. Today we will acquaint you with the documents regulating the main actions performed in the railway transport system at the international level.
Railway applications — Track — Acceptance of works — Part 2: Acceptance of reprofiling rails in plain line, switches, crossings and expansion devices
EN 13231–2:2020
Each stage of production requires careful selection of the correct materials and equipment for their quality processing. In the railway sector, the international standard regulating these aspects is EN 13231–2: 2020.
This document defines the technical requirements and measurements for the acceptance of works for longitudinal and/or transverse reprofiling of railway railheads in plain line, switches and crossings, and expansion devices.
This document applies to Vignole rails of 46 kg/m and above according to EN 13674–1.
If you are interested in the specifics of the processes described in the international standard, you can familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics in more detail by clicking on the link to our website.
Railway applications — Track — Track geometry quality — Part 2: Measuring systems — Track recording vehicles
EN 13848–6:2014+A1:2020
Measuring processes in many ways provide an understanding of the entire system and also the basis for further analysis and improvement of existing processes. To carry out this activity in the most productive way, such control documents as EN 13848–6: 2014 + A1: 2020 are created.
This European Standard characterizes the quality of track geometry based on parameters defined in EN 13848 1 and specifies the different track geometry classes which should be considered.
This European Standard covers the following topics:
- description of track geometry quality;
- classification of track quality according to track geometry parameters;
- considerations on how this classification can be used;
- this European Standard applies to high-speed and conventional lines of 1 435 mm and wider gauge;
Since this document is part of a more extended standard, if your organization operates in this area, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technical parameters and the whole document in more detail, and not just its individual parts, to understand the whole picture of the possibility of applying international standardization in your company.
Railway applications — Track — Track geometry quality — Part 6: Characterisation of track geometry quality
EN 17397–1:2020
Despite the fact that in many standards there are certain additions that are formed in order not to change an already existing document, there are also separate parts of significant international standards that are used separately. One example is EN 17397–1: 2020.
This document specifies the defect management system the infrastructure manager uses to control the risk of severe accidents due to degradation of internal or surface defects on rails complying with EN 13674–1, EN 13674–2, EN 13674–4, and EN 15689:2009 (excluding grooved rails EN 14811 — which need alternative systems).
Since the aforementioned part of the international standard has a large number of analogs, which differ mainly in technical characteristics, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in more detail with each of them before thinking about purchasing a document.
Railway applications — Rail defects — Part 1: Rail defect management
EN 17282:2020
The regulation of defects in production and the correct approach to this activity can significantly minimize financial losses. One of the international standards responsible for this process is EN 17282: 2020.
This document is applicable to under ballast mats used in ballasted track and defines the test procedures and their evaluation criteria.
This document provides particular information in the following areas:
- test methods, test arrangements, and evaluation criteria of under ballast mats;
- data supplied by the purchaser and by the supplier;
- definition of the general process of design approval tests;
- definition of routine tests.
This document defines the specific test procedures for under ballast mats:
- stiffness tests;
- fatigue tests;
- tests for severe environmental conditions.
This document also sets out procedures for testing fitness for purpose and provides information on quality monitoring as part of quality assurance procedures. This document does not, however, contain requirements pertaining to the functions of under ballast mats. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to define these requirements and to choose the optional tests.
Since this document has a certain number of amendments, it is advisable to consult on the appropriateness of its application specifically for your organization.
Railway applications — Infrastructure — Under ballast mats
EN 15085–2:2020
The infrastructure of each industry is a complex concept and is regulated both globally and in separate subcategories. One of the international standards for the railway sector is EN 15085–2: 2020.
This document defines the classification levels for welded components, the types of activity typically undertaken and the requirements to be fulfilled to demonstrate conformance.
If you are interested in purchasing this document, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its other parts, which may also be useful for building a strong scientific-technological base for your production.
Railway applications — Welding of railway vehicles and components — Part 2: Requirements for welding manufacturer
IEC 62149–3:2020
Welding processes are used in almost every type of production, which is why it is so important to establish a high-quality functioning system. International standards greatly simplify and help in this matter.
A large number of technical parameters can raise a certain number of questions about whether this international standard is really suitable for your business or not. In this case, we recommend contacting a team of professionals who will greatly simplify all the processes of building an international technological base.
The combination of the right documents is a solid basis for starting a stable path of progressive development.
Since the railway industry is global, it, therefore, encompasses a fairly impressive number of technologies used in it. Basically, organizations and businesses that operate in this area require many documents regulating their activities. That is why we recommend that you always be aware of the latest updates in the field of international standardization. Since this particular industry is to a large extent associated with international interaction, then the productivity and stability of development depend on the establishment of a structured system of interaction with both external factors and the sequence and quality of internal factors. If you interact with the technologies described in the above standards and are interested in updating your scientific and technical base, you can always contact the iTech team and be confident in the provision of qualified assistance from a team of professionals in the field of international standardization.