Drinks are part of our daily lives. The massive consumption of beverages has led to an important need for industries to increase competition, to create new flavors or functions. Since this industry is directly responsible for human health and safety, it should be understood that it is clearly standardized by the relevant documents. One of these documents is international standards, mainly used by beverage manufacturers or distributors. Today we will provide a list of the most relevant international standards in the beverage sector.
Food hygiene - Production and distribution of hot beverages from hot beverage equipment - Sanitation requirements, contamination testing
SIST EN 16889:2016
Beverage is a product that each of us consumes every day, the production and portion of the food is given special attention. When it comes to the consumption of beverages in food service establishments, hygiene becomes a major safety aspect, as regulated by international standards such as SIST EN 16889:2016. This European Standard specifies hygienic requirements that establish the prerequisites for the production of hot beverages, such as coffee and specialty coffees, teas, cocoa and milky beverages from equipment. hot beverages for commercial and domestic use in accordance with food hygiene regulations and for placing on the market. . Self-service devices are within the scope of this standard.
Finally, this standard specifies general hygienic requirements for the construction, materials and operation of the equipment involved. In particular, this standard includes requirements for hygienic and professional operation, for cleaning, disinfection and descaling as well as requirements for migration testing. This European Standard applies to equipment before they are put on the market (new machines) and also provides an Annex providing information for used equipment (see Annex A). This European Standard does not address any requirements related to occupational safety. This European standard does not address electrical safety or performance requirements.
EN 60335-2-15 and EN 60335-2-75 should be used for equipment for commercial use. It should be noted that this standard only deals with the hygienic and handling methods of the equipment used. If you are concerned about the safety issues of your employees when interacting with a certain type of device, you can visit our website and familiarize yourself with the complete list of standards for the map catalog. to drink. Methods for measuring the performance of household electric coffee machines are provided in the EN 60661 standard. Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages on the planet. According to this growing demand, a large number of equipment for processing and preparation has been created. Each type of equipment has certain operational requirements for human safety, and it is these safety issues that are regulated by international standards that must be readily available.
Food - Determination of patulin in fruit juices and fruit juices for infants and young children - HPLC method with liquid/liquid septum cleaning and solid phase extraction and UV detection
EN 15890:2010
Since most juices contain a large percentage of fruit, there is some risk in the case of improper storage and production, which can be harmful to the health of the consumer. To minimize these risks, juices are produced in accordance with the requirements of international standards such as EN 15890:2010. This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of patulin in fruit juices and purees, such as baby food purees, by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV). ).
Using additional and naturally contaminated samples, this method has been validated for the determination of patulin in apple juice, at levels from 3.0 μg/kg to 15.5 μg /kg and in apple puree. μg/kg to 17.9 μg/kg. The infant fruit puree (marketed in Europe) used in this study contains the following ingredients: blueberries; Apple; banana; Lemon; wheat crackers; wheat syrup; whole milk; and vegetable oils. A detailed list, including fractions, of each product used in this study is given in [1]. For more information on validation, see Clause 9 and Annex B. One feature of this international standard is a large number of technical issues that clearly standardize the steps in production. fruit juice. If your company operates or plans to enter the European market, we recommend that you have this document ready to minimize any possible risks.
Apple juice, apple juice concentrate and beverages containing apple juice - Determination of patulin content - Part 1: Method using high performance liquid chromatography
SIST ISO 8128-1:2000
Apple juice and its derivatives contain a number of chemical elements that, when exposed to high temperatures, can become toxic and seriously affect human health. That is why, in order to reduce various types of risks, especially in large-scale production, certain requirements and standards are created, which are specified in international standards such as SIST ISO 8128-1:2000. The principle of the specified method is to extract patulin from a test portion using ethyl acetate, then divide the extract with sodium carbonate solution in water, and determine qualitatively and quantitatively the patulin content by chromatography. High performance liquid signature using a UV detector. . The limit of detection was 10 µg/l, based on 5 ml of ready-to-drink apple juice. Since each beverage has a certain allowable limit for the presence of one or the other element, an international standard is required for each beverage used in your organization's production. . After all, an organization's reputation and competitiveness is largely dependent on product quality and customer satisfaction.
Foodstuffs - Determination of ethyl carbamate in iced fruit wines, fruit marques and other alcoholic beverages - GC-MS method
SIST EN 16852:2017
Since many fruits and vegetables are treated with chemicals to improve aesthetics and taste, these chemicals must be controlled to ensure safe end consumption. The functionality of this regulation is ensured by international standards such as SIST EN 16852:2017. This European Standard specifies a gas chromatographic method using a mass spectrometer detector for the determination of ethyl carbamate (EC) in iced spirits, grapefruit wines and spirits.
This method has been validated for use in an interlaboratory study of iced fruit spirits and fruit liqueurs, at levels ranging from 0.253 mg/l to 1.11 mg/ l. However, the linearity of the device response has been demonstrated to correspond to the concentration range from 0.10 mg/l to 4.0 mg/l (simplified method) and from 0.025 mg/l to 3.0 mg/l (procedure includes sample cleaning). Since these international recommendations are drawn from experience, i.e. through laboratory studies and then with some fruit processing or production of chemical elements for daily operations. culture, adopting this document will have a tremendous impact on the speed and quality of your organization's growth. .
Safe production is only possible when international standards are met
As we mentioned above, the safety and health of a person largely depends not only on the initial indicators but mainly on the food and drink that the person consumes. That is why beverage manufacturers should approach production issues with full responsibility and moreover, constantly monitor up-to-date rules and regulations in the global market. Indeed, apart from a successful marketing campaign for any company and certain flavors, product quality plays an important role in the success of the development, which can only be Observe if international standards are applied in production.