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The level of workplace air security that is settled on the international level

Writer's picture: Valentina BosenkoValentina Bosenko

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

The workplace and the atmosphere in it have a significant impact on the perception of the work process by staff. When it comes to office work, light, temperature and other basic physical factors are considered in the key of safety. One of the most basic is air. Air quality regulation in factories or office workplaces is carried out by standardization institutes.

Sometimes standardization is carried out locally, but in most cases the trend is towards strengthening global processes. If the production also implies the presence of harmful substances and gases, then adherence to the safety standards prescribed in international standards is an urgent requirement for each subject of activity. Today, one of the most accurate and relevant methods of following the rules for the use of gas equipment, regulating the level of harmful substances in the air as well as its quality in the workplace are ISO international standards.

Indoor air

ISO 16000-28:2020

The presence of a certain amount of hazardous substances in the air significantly affects both the production process and the processes in everyday life. When it comes to the state of the air inside a building, the issue of human health risks is heightened. To regulate such issues, international standards such as ISO 16000-28: 2020 are being created.

This document specifies a laboratory test method using test chambers defined in ISO 16000-9 and further specified in EN 16516 and evaluation procedures for the determination of odours emitted from building products and materials. Sampling, transport and storage of materials under test, as well as preparation of test specimens are described in ISO 16000-11 and further specified in EN 16516.

This particular international standard has highly specialized recommendations and also refers to other standards in a related category. If you are interested in purchasing this document, we recommend that you first check the technical specifications for all three of the above documents to avoid mistakes.

Workplace exposure - Procedures for the determination of the concentration of chemical agents - Basic performance requirements

EN 482:2021

The working atmosphere should be primarily responsible for the safety and comfort of personnel, and only then for the provision of quality services and production of quality products. Since some areas of production are dangerous from the point of view of the presence of chemical elements affecting human health, appropriate regulations are being created, and in this case international standards, one of which is EN 482: 2021.

This document specifies basic performance requirements for procedures for the determination of the concentration of chemical agents in workplace atmospheres as required by the Chemical Agents Directive 98/24/EC [13]. These requirements apply to all steps of measuring procedures regardless of the physical form of the chemical agent (gas, vapour, airborne particles), measuring procedures with separate sampling and analytical methods, and direct-reading instruments.

This document specifies requirements that are fulfilled by measuring procedures when tested under prescribed laboratory conditions due to a wide range of environmental conditions encountered in practice.

Measurement procedures and test methods carried out in the workplace are one of the first steps in building the safest system. If you are interested not only in the security of your organization, but also in the stability of productive development, we strongly recommend that you pay attention to this document.

Gas welding equipment - Marking for equipment used for gas welding, cutting and allied processes (ISO 10225:2013)

EN ISO 10225:2021

When it comes to technologies that use gas or other harmful chemicals for human health, international standards regulate not only the creation of the entire security system, but also the elements affecting the safe use of these technologies. International standards are also created for organizational production issues such as the creation of packaging, labels and other similar materials. One of the striking examples is the international standard EN ISO 10225: 2021.

ISO 10225:2013 specifies the gas letter code to be used for marking the equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes, when the full name of the gas cannot be used.

A feature of this standard is that it brings the analogy method to the names of existing elements used in production, thus greatly simplifying the process of their implementation. If you are interested in introducing regulation elements, you can familiarize yourself with the information in more detail by consulting with a team of specialists in the field of selecting the appropriate documents.

Stationary source emissions -- Sampling and determination of mercury compounds in flue gas using gold amalgamation trap

ISO 21741:2020

Normative legal acts as well as international regulation are applied not only for certain technologies, materials and equipment, but also for the methodology of measuring activities. When it comes to measuring liquid gases as well as the proportions of certain chemical elements, an international standard such as ISO 21741: 2020 is used for regulation.

This document describes a method for the sampling and measurement of mercury of both vapour and solid phases on stationary source flue gas streams. Mercury generally exists as elemental (Hg0) and oxidized (Hg2+) forms, both in the vapour and solid phases in flue gases. The vapour-phase (gaseous) mercury is captured either isokinetically or non-isokinetically with a gold amalgamation trap after removing solid-phase (particulate) mercury with a filter. The total concentration of mercury in flue gas is expressed as the sum of both gaseous and particulate mercury concentrations. The gold amalgamation method is intended for short-term (periodic) measurements of gaseous mercury ranging from 0,01 μg/m3 to 100 μg/m3 with sampling volumes from 0,005 m3 to 0,1 m3 and sample gas flow rate between 0,2 l/min to 1 l/min. The measurement range of particulate mercury is typically from 0,01 μg/m3 to 100 μg/m3 with sampling volume from 0,05 m3 to 1 m3.

This international document is specialized and is suitable for a certain category of activity of production processes. If you want to purchase international standards but in other categories, you need to follow the link to our website attached to the standard in the description and familiarize yourself with all the documents available.

The need for international standards in terms of safety

Security issues have a significant impact on the financial results of an activity. In the 21st century, the vector of development of almost every enterprise is aimed at entering international markets. As the competition increases and it becomes more and more difficult in the struggle for the consumer, the presence of international standards in the arsenal of the technical base of your production will become a guarantee of stable development. If you are interested in purchasing international standards regulating air, but there are no harmful chemicals at your enterprise, you can ask for help from our team of specialists who will select for you exactly the international document that will match as closely as possible with the technical parameters of your activities.


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