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Railway industry international standardization

Writer's picture: Valentina BosenkoValentina Bosenko

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

In the 21st century, the use of air transport seems to be the most popular and demanded. Nevertheless, against the background of this popularity, the importance of railway transport should not be neglected. Today, this industry is also developing and is used not only for passenger transportation, but also for the transportation of large volumes of goods at the international level. In order for this process to be carried out with the highest quality and in accordance with the latest technical recommendations of international institutions, international standards are being created that allow keeping pace with the times in adapting to new technologies, as well as creating a single system that functions synchronously at the international level. Now, we introduce you to the latest updates in the field of international standardization for the railway industry.

Railway applications - Wheel/Rail friction management - Part 2-3: Properties and Characteristics - Adhesion materials

CEN/TS 15427-2-3:2021

Any industry is characterized by a certain set of international standards, the regulatory objects of which range from individual parts to entire systems. One of the most recent international documents in the railway industry is CEN / TS 15427-2-3: 2021.

It specifies the requirements of adhesion materials intended to be applied to the interface between the wheel tread and the rail crown (active interface). It can be applied either directly or indirectly to the wheel tread or rail.

It outlines the information required for most approval procedures, the method of testing and routine control/monitoring of the material.

This document does not deal with Top of Rail materials. For Top of Rail materials see CEN/TS 15427-2-2:2021.

This document has a certain number of updates in connection with the development of the market. The data in the international standard is the most relevant for 2021 and is suitable for all those organizations that operate in the railway industry, as well as come into contact with the technologies described in the technical specifications of the document.

Railway applications - Wheel/Rail friction management - Part 1-3: Equipment and Application - Adhesion materials

CEN/TS 15427-1-3:2021

Sometimes, to create a well-functioning system, it is necessary to pay attention to every detail, as well as to standardize them internationally. One of the most suitable examples for describing this situation in the railway industry is the international document CEN / TS 15427-1-3: 2021.

This standard is limited to specifying the requirements when applying adhesion material to the interface between the wheel tread and the crown of the rail, and includes both trainborne and trackside solutions.

This document only covers the equipment and application of adhesion material to the active interface.

This document defines:

- the characteristics that systems for the application of adhesion materials of the wheel-rail interface shall achieve, together with applicable inspection and test methods to be carried out for verification;

- all relevant terminology which is specific to the adhesion materials of the wheel-rail interface.

This document only applies to the mainline railway.

NOTE 1 This document can also be used for other railways, e.g urban rail.

NOTE 2 Where technologies are used to influence the wheel/rail interface, other than the application of a material, this document is out of scope but can be used as guidance.

This International Standard has a large number of detailed technical specifications that will allow you to go deeper into the understanding of the document. Nevertheless, we recommend that you also pay attention to the amendments and clarifications that give an understanding with which technologies this document is not compatible.

Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Method of specifying the structural requirements of bogie frames

EN 13749:2021

Also, separate international standards are being created to regulate certain methods of application and introduction of new technologies. When it comes to the railway industry, first of all, you should pay attention to standards such as EN 13749: 2021.

This document specifies the method to be followed to achieve a satisfactory design of bogie frames and includes design procedures, assessment methods, verification and manufacturing quality requirements. It is limited to the structural requirements of bogie frames including bolsters and axlebox housings. For the purpose of this document, these terms are taken to include all functional attachments, e.g. damper brackets.

Following the recommendations and methodology specified in this international standard will give you the opportunity not only to keep up with the latest market trends in this industry, but also to be sure that security issues will not cause potential risks. If you have any questions about more detailed technical parameters, you can follow the link with a full description of the document.

Railway applications - Pneumatic half couplings

EN 15807:2021

As in any other industry, in the railway transport there are such international standards that are narrow-profile. One of them is EN 15807: 2021.

This document applies to pneumatic half couplings designed to couple either the brake pipes or main reservoir pipes of railway vehicles, without taking the type of vehicles and track-gauge into consideration.

This document gives the requirements for the design, dimensions, testing and quality assurance of pneumatic half couplings.

A small amount of description of this document can be both misleading and give an understanding of whether this document can be applied in your organization. In any case, if you are interested in this document or want to know if you need it to achieve the most productive results, we advise you to seek recommendations from a team of professionals in the field of selection of international standards.

International standards are a driver for railway technologies

This industry and its standardization is subject to international regulation, not only because the introduction of new techniques for using equipment can significantly increase efficiency, but also in order to minimize possible physical risks. After all, this category of human activity comes into contact with human labor and is responsible for safety. If your field of activity is related to the technologies specified in the description of the standards given, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the above documents in more detail and think about purchasing them.


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