For the organization of any process, it is necessary to understand the clear structure and phasing of actions, only in this case the organization can get a high-quality result. Since, basically, today all global production processes, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, are trying to interact with other countries, operate at the international level, even at certain stages, production is regulated by a single system that is specified in international standards. Below is a list of the most significant documents used in welding activities.
As in any other activity, different amounts of materials are used in welding. To obtain the highest quality result, you must follow the rules and regulations. One of such rules and regulations for the use of aluminum is the international standard EN ISO 25239–3: 2020.
This document specifies requirements for the qualification of welding operators for friction stir welding (FSW) of aluminium. In this document, the term “aluminium” refers to aluminium and its alloys.
If your field of activity comes into contact with the aforementioned material and the technology of its use, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this document in more detail to acquire it in the scientific and technological base of your enterprise.
When defining a kind of production preparation, activities related to chemical processes are also carried out. It involves completely different types of elements. Since this issue is important for maintaining the security system, it is regulated internationally by standards such as EN ISO 6847: 2020.
This document specifies the procedure to be used for deposition of a weld metal pad for chemical analysis.
This document applies to deposition of a weld metal pad by use of covered electrodes, wire electrodes for gas shielded metal arc welding, tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded metal arc welding and for non-gas shielded metal arc welding, solid rods and tubular cored rods for gas tungsten arc welding, and wire-flux and strip-flux combinations for submerged arc welding or electroslag welding and cladding.
Since this document has certain amendments, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics in more detail by clicking on the link to our website attached above.
To regulate the entire welding process, both global standards are created that structure each stage and more detailed ones. One example of such a standard is EN ISO 24034: 2020.
This document specifies requirements for the classification of solid wire electrodes, solid wires and rods for fusion welding of titanium and titanium alloys. The classification is based on their chemical composition.
The compositions of solid wire electrodes for metal inert gas (MIG) welding are the same as solid wire electrodes, solid wires and rods for tungsten inert gas (TIG) arc welding, plasma arc welding, laser beam welding, and other fusion welding processes.
This standard provides a detailed description of the elements used in welding activities. If you learned the materials and elements that are also used in your field of activity, we recommend that you study this document in more detail.
Since even similar branches of this production have different amendments, therefore, separate documents are created for each of these amendments and features. One of the standards governing the use of aluminum in the welding process is EN ISO 25239–2: 2020.
This document specifies design requirements for friction stir weld joints.
In this document, the term “aluminium” refers to aluminium and its alloys.
This document does not apply to friction stir spot welding which is covered by the ISO 18785 series.
The above standard has a certain number of amendments for its further use. That is why we recommend that you clarify all the details in more detail with a team of professionals in the field of international standardization.
For a clearer application of a document, it is necessary to transparently understand each term used in the standard. For this, standards are created that clarify the norms and rules for their further use. One such standard is EN ISO 25239–1: 2020.
This document defines terms related to friction stir welding.
In this document, the term “aluminum” refers to aluminum and its alloys.
We recommend having this document available if you want to be sure of the correct application of international standards and the guaranteed productive result from their application.
International quality and safety — everything is possible if you follow international standards
Any production process has a large number of risks and not only associated with physical damage but also with financial losses, provided that the rules and regulations are not followed. An industry such as welding is quite common and entails the use of a huge amount of materials and elements. In order to most clearly structure this industry, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the standards created for your organization. And if you have any additional questions, you can consult with a team of specialists who will help you in selecting the correct document. For the best results in global markets, stay with the iTeh team and stay up to date with the latest international standardization news.