Manufacturing processes have always played an important role in organizing the construction of structures, however, innovative development has always made its own edits. Time changes and with it the rules of the game in international markets are changing. With an increase in demand, the number of offers also increases, thereby giving rise to competition. Many companies are losing ground, but nevertheless there are those who are only moving forward. If your organization operates in manufacturing, we recommend that you pay attention to the following standards.
Characterization of bulk materials - Determination of a size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica content - Part 1: General information and choice of test methods
EN 17289-1:2020
The variability of the materials used in production significantly complicates the regulation process both locally and globally. To facilitate the entry of companies and organizations into new markets, international standards are being created, one of which is EN 17289-1: 2020.
This document specifies the requirements and choice of test method for the determination of the size-weighted fine fraction (SWFF) and the size-weighted fine fraction of crystalline silica (SWFFCS) in bulk materials.
This document gives also guidance on the preparation of the sample and determination of crystalline silica by X-ray Powder Diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR).
EN 17289-2 specifies a method to calculate the size-weighted fine fraction from a measured particle size distribution and assumes that the particle size distribution of the crystalline silica particles is the same as the other particles present in the bulk material. EN 17289-3 specifies a method using a liquid sedimentation technique to determine the size-weighted fine fraction of crystalline silica. Both methods are based upon a number of limitations and assumptions, which are listed in EN 17289-2 and EN 17289-3, respectively. The method in EN 17289-3 can also be used for other constituents than CS, if investigated and validated.
This document is applicable for crystalline silica containing bulk materials which have been fully investigated and validated for the evaluation of the size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica.
If your field of activity comes into contact with the material specified in the description of this document, then its presence in the technological documentation base of your company will greatly facilitate the process of scaling up production. For more detailed information you can follow the link to our website.
Characterization of bulk materials - Determination of a size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica content - Part 2: Calculation method
EN 17289-2:2020
Individual parts of the same standard can both complement each other and regulate completely different areas of application of the same material. The second part of the previous standard is EN 17289-2: 2020.
This document specifies the determination of the size-weighted fine fraction (SWFF) and the size-weighted fine fraction of crystalline silica (SWFFCS) in bulk materials by calculation. The document also specifies the assumptions and preconditions to be fulfilled for this method to be valid.
The purpose of this document is to allow users to evaluate bulk materials regarding their size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica content.
A specific method for the evaluation of the SWFF for diatomaceous earth bulk materials is given in Annex A. Due to the internal porosity of diatomaceous earth, the general instructions given in this document are adapted in order to take into account the material’s effective density.
This document is applicable for crystalline silica containing bulk materials which have been fully investigated and validated for the evaluation of the size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica.
To form a clearer picture of the need to apply these standards, it is necessary to compare the technical parameters of production standards with the requirements of individual standards. If you have any questions in the implementation of this stage, you can always seek help from a team of specialists in the industry of international standards.
Characterization of bulk materials - Determination of a size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica content - Part 3: Sedimentation method
EN 17289-3:2020
In the production process and the use of various materials, a large number of methods are applied. Each of them requires a certain level of regulation, depending on the scale of the activity. One of the documents that standardizes the specific application method for crystalline silica is EN 17289-3: 2020.
This document specifies the determination of the size-weighted fine fraction (SWFF) and the size-weighted fine fraction of crystalline silica (SWFFCS) in bulk materials by means of a sedimentation method using a liquid sedimentation technique.
The purpose of this document is to allow users to evaluate bulk materials with regard to their size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica content.
This document is applicable for crystalline silica containing bulk materials which have been fully investigated and validated for the evaluation of the size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica.
The specification of production methods greatly simplifies the process of building a control system. If you are interested in entering new markets, we strongly recommend that you consider purchasing international standards at your facility.
Ambient air - Methodology to assess the performance of receptor oriented source apportionment modelling applications for particulate matter
CEN/TS 17458:2020
Technology standards have always been popular due to constant continuous innovation processes. The increase in the number of international standards is a natural process, but sometimes certain isolated cases require new controls to complement the existing system. In such cases, directives like CEN / TS 17458: 2020 are created.
The European Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (2008/50/EC; AQD) identifies different uses for modelling: Assessment, planning, forecast and source apportionment (SA). This document addresses source apportionment modelling and specifies performance tests to check whether given criteria for receptor oriented source apportionment models (RM) are met.
This document addresses RM users: practitioners of individual source apportionment studies as well as participants and organizers of source apportionment intercomparison studies. This document is suitable for the evaluation of results of a specific SA modelling system with respect to reference values (a priori known or calculated on the basis of intercomparison participants' values) in the following application areas:
- Assessment of performance and uncertainties of a modelling system or modelling system set up using the indicators laid down in this document.
- Testing and comparing different source apportionment outputs in a specific situation (applying an evaluation data set) using the indicators laid down in this document.
- QA/QC tests every time practitioners run a modelling system.
It should be noted for clarity that the procedures and calculations presented in this document cannot be used to check the performance of a specific SA modelling result without having any a priori reference information about the contributions of sources/source categories.
There are methodologies different from RM which are widely used to accomplish SA, e.g. source oriented models. These other methodologies cover aspects of SA which are required in the AQD and are not addressed by RM (e.g. allocation of pollutants to geographic emission areas). Performance assessment of such methodologies is out of the scope of this document.
A qualitative assessment of the existing situation is the key to building the correct system of further actions. To understand what kind of standard you need to create a strong regulatory framework for your enterprise, you need analytics and specialist assistance in this industry, which you can get by contacting our team of specialists for help.
3S - Structure, Safety, Standards
An integrated approach to any activity has always yielded high-quality results. Taking into account even the smallest details affects the perception of the result by the consumer. Each aspect can be calculated without financial loss only if clear rules and frameworks are observed, which can be built by adhering to experimental developments or compliance with international standards. Our help is always open to companies striving for development. That is why we are ready to advise you in every area in which your business can be useful for international markets and open up new vectors of development by introducing international standardization.